Thursday, March 27, 2008

Time breaks

I'm still recovering, although from something other than the five-week cold or the death cold. Those, thankfully, are over. Now it's one red, irritated, itchy eye, my lower back acting up (it only responds to red wine. Really.), and a sore throat. Will I ever be well again? I think it's been seven weeks total, and it has robbed me of some of my basest pleasures-- the taste of food, the sweetness of exhaustion from digging in the dirt, and the satisfying ring of words clicking into place.

Quite a few scenes have moved me recently-- the purple shock of first magnolia blossoms, rain seen flung like the sheerest silk scarf far across the Willamette Valley, the sweet solo of the first spring birdsong. But in experiencing these things with my senses so crippled, no words well up. I remember fewer details. Time rolls on without me. And that is why I started taking Airborne, EmergenC, a multivitamin, and some more targeted vitamins. I'm tired of a half-life, and ready for my synesthesia back.

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