Friday, January 12, 2007


I'm trying to fit new things in for the new year, while it's fresh and I can slip them into my routine. It sounds boring to have a routine, but all of the things I am stuffing in there are ever-changing, exciting things. I swear. It's the process of getting around to them and making sure they happen, the magic of success, that's boring.

One of my new routines is trying a new bar, restaurant, or drinking establishment each week. Ted, Erik, and I had a successful bar night about a year ago, which lasted for many months. Once you miss a few, though, the event dies a quick death. Last night I arranged to check out the Victory, a new bar in my neighborhood, with Ted, John, Julie, Erik, Aspen, and Mae. The bar was so new that it still smells of paint and service is a confused mess, but we had a good time. This year my bar nights will reach out and include more people.

Another routine I'm trying to recapture is running more often. I have prided myself on not caring about weight in the stereotypical girly way, but my eating habits sure haven't changed since running a marathon at the begining of October, and my running has seriously declined. I may have put on only five pounds or so, but when my favorite clothes from ten years ago start getting tight, it's time to fix the situation.

I realize the above does not count as an exciting and new routine, but I have more fitness-related goals for the year including taking swim lessons-- something I've only had once in my life, in fourth grade. It's a step towards completing a triathlon.

I'm also trying to draw once a day, and resume and complete house projects. It's a lot to fit in, so I have to be more disciplined. That's the boring and tough part, so it's not one of my resolutions for the year, just hidden amongst them.

1 comment:

Susan Kelley said...

Good Lord, Susan, if there is anyone on earth who doesn't need to worry about her fitness, it's you. I mean, being a little bit down from your marathon running peak still puts 99.9% of the rest of the human race to shame.

Posted by Eric On Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 4:20 PM