Saturday, August 30, 2008


Alone in the kitchen. Erik just left for PAX in Seattle, and my dad will leave Port Angeles any time now to drive the five hour journey to my house. The radio is set to the jazz station and Kenard is snuggled up to the laptop, obscuring the left side of the screen.

There are so many versions of heaven on this earth. This is one. Last night at the Doug Fir, watching the lead singer of !!! move in a shameless heartfelt body-jerking dance while performing All My Heroes Are Weirdos. Finding a dead snake floating in the lake at work, with Hanna. At least, that was heavenly until she touched it and we found another dead snake in the water. Then I worried about Hanna getting sick and snakes being targeted by poison. Back down to earth.

But here I am, listening to jazz, stringing rocks on wire for my latest modular jewelry idea. The only thing missing is coffee, and I'm about to head to the farmers' market to sniff fruit and caress plants-- that favorite beverage of yours and mine can't be far behind.

1 comment:

Where's Domo? said...

Hello! Just wanted to let you know there are 2 new Domos up for adoption. Hope to see you there!