Thursday, January 3, 2013

New years resolutions

It's been two years. Far too long. Worse than that, to start a post with such a cliche! Regardless, the reason for my absence is also cliche: I had a baby.

The new year started, and I'm still mulling what I want 2013 to be. What should I keep, and what should I leave behind? For the things I hold onto, what's my goal? For the things I get rid of, with what shall I replace them?

As always, my two focuses are eating and running. Although I eat healthily in general, there is always room for improvement. Like everyone else, I'd like to focus on eating more whole foods, simpler and closer to the source; fewer white starchy things; less sugar; smaller meals. Running is easy. I'd like to get faster and run farther.

Normally I'd just leave it at that, but it really does help to have concrete goals and a schedule. I know what I need to do, and there's an obvious direct line to get there, but that's not the same thing as the day-to-day of staying there. So I am going to take the time to formulate a real plan.

Monthly food goals
Things to concentrate on each month. I'll keep what works and ignore what doesn't-- after giving it an approximately 30 day trial.

January: simple meals
Focus on the veg. Try new side dish recipes. When in doubt, roast it. Maybe even try steaming.

February: make eating its own event
Don't eat in front of a screen. Chew more.

March: eat smaller meals
Take a smaller serving. Split restaurant food in half before digging in. Leave a few bites on the plate. Use smaller plates/containers.

April: eat earlier
No more eating after dinner.

May: add in the power
Research nutrition. Sub in more nutritive options, like sweet potato instead of white potato. Try new superfoods, like coconut oil instead of veg oil.

June: cut the sugar
Use fruit for sweetness. Search out healthy dessert recipes.

July: abstain
Try a month without sugar, alcohol, oil, coffee.

August: add herbs
Experiment with herbs.

September: reduce sodium
Use less salt. Low sodium soy sauce/tamari

October: eat less starch
Up the veggies-to-grain/starch ratio. Skip the bread.

November: live it up for Thanksgiving! Gotta have a break some time.

December: drink before eating
Drink a cup of water before eating-- sometimes the feeling of hunger is actually thirst.

Running goals next, and then on to some other general things...

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