Friday, January 4, 2008

Sound waves, star waves

There's a connection through radio, when you realize that someone in a distant location hears the same sounds as you at the same moment, experiences the same sensory input, reacts with a similar recognition. Thus radio transcends earthly broadcast to heavenly status-- it's a locale for lovers' trysts, like wishing on the same star or looking up at the same moon in the sky.

On the way to work, driving over the Hawthorne Bridge where it carries you over the train tracks (east side), and a small cloud puff rising from underneath gives a moment's warning before the whir of the horn, directly below, permeates the bridge structure, my car, my bones. The pleasing magic of the Doppler Effect as I swing past the tracks and over the water.

On the way home from work, small patches of low cloud break the unseasonably smooth blue, two lights in the sky send cylindrical beams ahead of an airplane that meanders ponderously onward like a friendly, celestial manta ray.


Anonymous said...

I think you mean the Doppler effect. Bernoulli's law describes the relationship between velocity and pressure on fluid flow in a confined space.

Susan Kelley said...

Yes, I did mean the Doppler effect. I meant the Bernoulli effect, though, another time.