Wednesday, January 23, 2008

we'll cut our bodies free from the tethers of this scene

Listening to a favorite album from the year 2003, I began to feel restless deep inside as the music stirred body memories and made me painfully aware that I've lived here in the same zipcode for just over five years. Except for the house into which I was born, I haven't lived in any one place for more than a year and a half. A decade-long stretch of moving around suited me just fine; I always knew when it was time to leave.


the omnicollective said...

So are you saying you are feeling that same 'time to leave' instinct... or just remembering the feeling of it?

Susan Kelley said...

Remembering the feeling of it. Feeling as though I should be feeling it. Feeling it through a veil... I guess that's all the same thing, in a way.