Thursday, November 30, 2006

comedy of errors

The subject describes last night, the big "going out for my birthday." I've told the story two or three times and it didn't go over well. Basically I tried to do stuff and was thwarted a few times over, each time.

And so it goes. Perhaps this is why I laugh so much. Or, as the one astute observation an old boss made of me, I laugh when I'm nervous or unsure, to defuse tension.

At any rate, I laugh alot, although that's not what I intended to write about.


Susan Kelley said...

It's a more effective strategy than mine. While verbally abusing the nearest manager generally defuses my tension, it seems to aggravate theirs. Anyone who can resist smiling when you do is probably a giant alien gastropod wearing a man suit. It's hard to smile with a radula.

Posted by Eric On Thursday, November 30, 2006 at 5:43 PM

Susan Kelley said...

I think another possibility for someone who might not seem to catch Susan's radiant smile... is a person with their head planted firmly upside down on their neck.


It is important not to jump to conclusions about people being alien gastropods wearing man suits. A couple of years back I made that mistake and the "foot" turned out to be a colostomy bag. Quite embarrassing!

I do not mean to be a smart ass in pointing out this little factual tidbit, but alien gastropods do not smile with their radula... they do it by moving their proboscis in a counter clockwise fashion. If you ever see one moving it in a clockwise fashion.... it means he/she/it wants to fight. Make sure that they are truly an alien gastropod before you engage them in battle. Punching someone in the colostomy bag is considered quite rude and unnecessary.

If you ever make that mistake, the correct course of action is to call Susan over in order to diffuse the tension with her smile :)

Posted by Cory On Friday, December 01, 2006 at 11:06 AM