Saturday, November 18, 2006

witching vest hour

Erik drove up to Seattle straight from work, so the house is cold and quiet. I'm alone at home in the witching hour, and the possibilities are palpable since tomorrow is the one day of the week I don't have to wake up early. I've already gone for a few walks in the dark. The fog is seeping in under the streetlights and it's cold and dense enough that you can feel it thicken the air, in your lungs. It looks like the seaside, a tidal mist.

I'm listening to music and working on the Overengineered Bag.

Wednesday night it was raining needles sideways, but I went for a (shortened) run right after work, around campus. I was already soaked through when a car splashed a vertical wave all the way from the part in my hair to the bottom of my socks. Couldn't have picked a better time or situation to get splashed by a car, but sadly no one got to see the hilarity. I had been running in the bike lane (no sidewalk), but I had a blinking light on my back. I think water got in my mouth, because my memory of it is tinged with the feeling of getting pulled under by a wave at the beach when you're little.

Afterwards, even at the later time, traffic home was bad. Erik had gone to a happy hour with his brother, and then on to game night at a friend's house. He didn't come home til 10pm, when he picked me up for the Hot Chip show at Doug Fir.

It was a pretty good show, with great people watching. I saw two sweater dresses-- one "vintage" from the 80s in cobalt blue with black tiger stripes, and one contemporary in a chunky brown luxury fiber. I also saw some vests, both sweater and suit. Vests are going to be hip this winter. I guess we should all try to embrace that and be excited for the quirky possibilities, rather than fretting about how stupid and unattractive (most) vests are.

I don't have to qualify that last statement, but... extremities get cold first, so why add extra layers to your core? Mmhmm.

1 comment:

Susan Kelley said...

I remember one occasion, standing up to my ankles in snow in front of the old Barbur office, listening to Sid, clad in a vest, explain that it was not necessary to cover the extremities as long as you kept the core warm.

Of course, Sid was obviously batshit loopy, so I took it with a grain of salt.

Posted by Eric On Saturday, November 18, 2006 at 8:28 PM