Tuesday, February 20, 2007

mind in a muddle

As is requisite right before a vacation, I am on the verge of getting sick. I've also had a very odd toothache and accompanying headache since Sunday. I guess I've never before had a toothache, but the pain is so throbbing and insistent, so close in my head that it interrupts my thoughts. I hope it's not the fault of the dentristry done last week to my last left molar, but a few days had passed before the odd ache began.

The ibuprofen has kicked in, so now I can think more clearly about all that has transpired the past handful of days.

Erik and I had a make-your-own spring roll party Friday night, inviting Erik's coworkers and soccer team. I got home a bit late and the party started a bit early, to accomodate the wide range of people. The result was that I spent the first two hours of the party in the kitchen, prepping ingredients. The party turned out to be a success, though, and I was impressed by the casual mix of friendly people. The first people arrived at 6:30pm and the last left at 2am, so I think it's officially the longest time I have ever spent at a party.

Saturday I woke up late, and lazed around the house until it was time to meet Eric's friend, Donna. It was a magical day, walking around Alameda with the sun setting everything aglow with brighter colors than February can usually handle. We climbed through brush into the backyard of the magic bicycles, then walked to Donna's house and played with cats. I met her best friend, Becky, and the three of us walked around the Rose City Cemetery, then went for dinner at La Buca, and watched "Me and You and Everyone We Know" at my house.

Sunday I went for a twelve mile run up Terwilliger, then for breakfast at Junior's with Julie. Julie and I worked in the yard a bit (well, I did. She worked a lot), then Erik and I went to his indoor soccer game. I was supposed to play in the game, but by that point the headache and toothace had started up. I'm glad I didn't play, too, because it was a rough game. The other team was fond of kicking the ball into the wall as hard as possible, so that it would bounce back out and often hit someone in the face. After the game, Erik and I walked around NW 23rd to kill time before meeting up with John for the Grizzlybear show at the Mission Theater.

Last night I made pizza and a green, polar fleece, cephalopod cat toy for Donna. Julie, Erik, and I went over to her house to check out the kittens. I had hoped to convince Julie to adopt one, but she decided against it. I finally started repair work on my favorite coat, sewing buttons and figuring out how to fix the lining.

Those are just the diary-style events, but the colors and sunshine from Saturday dazzle me still. Something else happened over the weekend that keeps muddling my brain. My creativity is energized, but the rest of me is bogged down.

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