Friday, June 22, 2007

ISBS publishes weekly highlights from their forums; this week is a particularly wonderful piece about dandelions, extolling their virtues and power of symbolism.

Aspen showed me this upcoming collection of short films by a great artist: Dave Mckean's Keanoshow.

Leaves are shivering outside in the wind, a rain dance that will bring clouds down on our heads. Last night I sat in the big hammock in my little backyard, dwarfed by rope and plants and clouds, watching the sky jealously as it fell dark at 10pm. Now I'm filled with the knowledge of days getting shorter again and I feel it in my guts-- deep in my intestine, although perhaps that's TMI. I mean, I don't have Irritable Summer Bowel Syndrome or anything, but I feel it deep in my center of gravity. It makes me unbalanced. It's a solstice hangover, the payment without the payload.

I am so tired and out of sorts today.

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