Tuesday, December 5, 2006

costa rica

I haven't been on a vacation in just about a year, and it's time to start planning. Seems like I go every 14 months, so the time of year keeps getting pushed back. February 2007 I will spend a week or two in Costa Rica. Erik and I meant to go last year for our vacation, but by the time we got down to making our plans it was equally expensive to go to Costa Rica, Peru, and New Zealand. We chose New Zealand, since it is farthest away, hence more bang for the buck.

This trip will be with Erik's parents, and we'll be visiting an old family friend who works in Costa Rica as a coffee buyer.

I'm excited about that, with my long love of coffee and its related effects and products. But recently I've severely cut back. I never thought this word would emerge from my lips or typing fingers, but I've been drinking half-caff. One sixteen ounce cup of coffee, from home, made with half caffeinated and half decaffeinated beans. No more caffeine the entire day.

So on the rare occassion now that I do have caffeine, I'm euphoric. Manic. Happy, bouncing, awake. I had completely forgotten that caffeine could have such effects.

It's awesome. So that's what I'm expecting for my entire trip to Costa Rica.

1 comment:

Susan Kelley said...

I had that experience yesterday. After going without more than occasional caffeine for more than a month, I drank three Frappucinos during work and a venti white chocolate mocha from Starbuck's on the way home. I didn't get to sleep until 4am. Prior to quitting caffeine, I routinely drank coffee to help me sleep in the evening.

The vigor with which you have emerged from your electronic exile to embrace blogging is very heartening, btw. ;)

I'm still trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to get out to Portland this summer to retrieve my Vanagon. And trying to judge the likelihood of actually driving it 2500 miles without a breakdown from Portland to Nashville. Costa Rica sounds like a lot more fun.

Posted by Eric On Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 9:32 AM