Sunday, November 25, 2007

I dream of the fun garage

I'm a bit annoyed with myself for losing the dream I had last night. It was something simple, an idea or impression, something that would have been useful. Oh well.

Friday night I had a very strange dream, strange in its real-world grounding. We took the car ferry down to Newberg or Oregon City in a green station wagon-- like a Subaru-- to look in antique and junk shops. When we got off the ferry, we drove past a parking garage with "fun" somewhere in its name. It had a huge yellow tube slide spiraling down from all levels; that was how you got down to the street after you parked. So I insisted we park there, on the top floor so that we could slide all the way down.

I don't remember the next part of the dream, but when we headed back to the car, one person decided to stick around and walked off. As I was saying goodbye and crossing the road, I almost got hit by a car because the traffic was odd.

Back in the garage, the ground floor had all sorts of interesting knick-knacks for sale, and I spent time browsing although I should have rushed to meet the others at the car. The stairway up was extremely narrow, made from metal mesh, and rather frightening. It was single file, so people coming down would have to step out at a floor, or wait at a landing while one squeezed past.

Then we took the ferry back up the Willamette, and the water was so rough it was amazing that we could even get upstream. It must have flooded, because along the banks rushing water broke windows in the houses lined up there.


the omnicollective said...

the people with you in your dreams... are they vague, generic people or people you know? Are they visibly those people or just a sense of them?

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of some low grade lsd experiences I've had.